Industrial Design Engineer

Who is “Industrial Design Engineer”?

To create/develop a product which has properties like being genuine, useful, innovative, interdisciplinary, environment-friendly, high technology with minimum energy consumption is highly significant for both producers and consumers. To train designers capable of doing that, various national and international BSc, MSc and PhD education programs namely; “Industrial Product Design”, “Industrial (Product) Design and Engineering”, “Industrial Design Engineering”, “Innovative Design Engineering” are formed in last half a century.

The syllabus of “Industrial Design Engineering” programs found within Engineering/Technology Department are formed by considering both basic engineering objectives and aesthetics/ergonomic side of the design. Therefore, the “Design Engineer” graduates will be able to use the knowledge of general engineering design (innovative, systematic, technological etc. design making and management) along with the ability of industrial product design (creativity, aesthetics, ergonomy etc). A professional who possesses those abilities and attributes gets a title of “Product Design Engineer” or “Industrial Design Engineer”.


 Employment Chance of Graduates

Industrial Design Engineering may be one of the most popular professions of nowadays and future times. An engineer graduated from this program can be employed in many different industrial organizations, including: 

  •          Automotive and its sub-industries
  •          Aviation and marine industries
  •          Machine and equipment industries
  •          Furniture industry
  •          Glass and ceramic industry
  •          Defence industry
  •          Die and casting industries
  •          Production industries of biomedical and medical materials
  •          Production industries of public transportation vehicles
  •          Plastic technology
  •          Quality control and investigation firms etc.


Industrial Design Engineers can generally be employed in many fields of industrial firms and R&D centers such as defence, machinery, electronics, aviation, space, automotive, furniture, medicine, biomedical, and so on.

The gained basic knowledge and abilities by a design engineer, after graduating this program, can be summarised as:




Technical drawing


The use of CAD programs


The use of CAE programs


Manufacturing and materials knowledge


Basic engineering knowledge


Basic design knowledge


Creative thinking


Systematic thinking


Design capability


Project preparation ability




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